Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First Post of 2013

Greetings Everybody!

I know it's been a few weeks, and I'm sure you're confused so I'll do my best to explain.

See, a few weeks ago, I got really really sick. I couldn't get out of bed, I was that sick. And in my sick stupor I somehow spilled something all over my computer. Long story short. I got sick and broke my computer.

I didn't have the immediate money to buy a new one, and with no means of fixing it, I was forced to put my old computer to rest. (Not really. It was just the keyboard, and it's sitting next to me right now, still plugged in and running.) The old girl was in desperate need of replacing so I bought a new computer a few days ago.

I would've started updating again right then but I was still on holidays and having had over a week off from the blogs already, I decided I'd just let the rest of 2012 go by unnoticed.

Now 2013 is here! And although I've full filled my initial ambition of doing a blog daily for a year (give or take a week or two) I love my blogs TOO much to let them go. So they will continue in a much less rigid format than before.

I have more things I plan to do with my life this year so I won't be as regimented with my blogs. Instead I will update as often as I can when I feel inspired to do so. There won't be a Mixed Media Monday, Layout/Background design Tuesday, Character Design Thursday, and so on. Instead I'll mostly be updating with small exercises mostly focusing on inking and the like.

The first update is here and it's below the break! Enjoy!

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